Gyfu has decided that the vivarium is the place to make tunnels, which is a really interesting thing to watch. When my mom and I bought the soil from TheBioDude, we got Terra Firma which is a soil mixture for burrowing creatures, and it seems we have made the right choice. Gyfu has currently made at least 2 little caves that have their own entrance/exit. Another interesting thing we have seen is that Gyfu puts in air holes in the sides of the burrows. When the condensation builds it is harder for them to breath, rather than escaping the burrow he decided to make tiny tunnels using his nose. This created airflow in the burrow which helped him to breath easier, and it allowed him to continue working on his burrow.
Today we added isopods into the environment. Isopods dig a lot, reproduce quickly, and eat most biodegradable matter. This includes, the Sphagnum moss and dead leaves that are mixed into the soil,
and our hope is they will be able to keep up with the rate of mouse waste production. Other names for isopods are; rolly pollies, armadillo beetles, pill bugs, etc. One unfortunate fact for the isopdods is that mice are omnivores, they eat a whole variety of foods INCLUDING meat. So isopods may end up being a great source of protein for Gyfu and Chadex if they decide they look appetizing.
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